Email, Calendars & Collaboration

Articles (18)

Pinned Article What to Do With Suspected Spam or Phishing Email

More than half of all email traffic is spam. In this article, learn how to identify spam or phishing emails and what to do when you see one in your PCC inbox.

Adding/Removing Members in Google Groups

This document provides guidance on how to add and remove members from a Google Group. Managing your group’s membership effectively ensures smooth communication and proper access control.

Configuring Browser for Banner Email Icons

Some people have reported difficulty using icon links in Banner that should open your college email client and a new mail form with the recipient’s email address filled in.This article describes how to change system and browser settings to correct the situation.

Email - How to Send Encrypted Email

This article provides instructions on sending encrypted emails.

Email - Setting Up Email Forwarding for Your Pima Student Email

Instructions for automatically forwarding a student email account to another email address.

Emailing a Class List Google Group

This article provides instructions on how to email students in bulk via the class list Google group.

Gmail - Adding/Removing Delegates

Staff in a department have a Google Resource Account and need a new staff member delegated to this email address so they can access the email address.

Gmail - Email Merge

This article provides step-by-step instructions on how to use Gmail's mail merge feature, which allows users to personalize emails by automatically inserting recipient-specific details like first names, last names, and email addresses.

Gmail – Updating Your Display Name

This article describes the process for changing or updating the name associated with your college Google account, known as the display name. This name displays in every Google system within the College, such as email or the Google Contact Directory.

Google Calendar - Adding/Removing Users on Shared Calendar

This article describes how to add new users to a shared Google calendar.

Google Groups - Use Your Google Group as an Email List

This article explains how to use Google Groups for campus communications at Pima Community College, including sending emails, subscribing, and unsubscribing.

Pima Community College Google Calendar

Describes how to access and use some features of the Google Calendar that is available in student, faculty, and staff Pima College accounts.

Setup Pima Gmail on an Android Device

This article provides instructions for accessing your Pima Gmail account on Android devices.

Setup Pima Gmail on an Apple iOS Device

This article provides instructions for accessing your Pima Gmail account on iOS devices.

Subscribing to TechAlerts

Redirect from TechAlerts (retired) information to current solution, with links to the Pima Status Page and to article on subscribing to status incident updates.

Using Gmail Templates

Describes how to enable, create, and use Gmail templates. These features can be useful if you frequently send or reply to emails that are identical or similar in content.

Using Google Groups as a Collaborative Inbox

Includes how to set a Google Group as a Collaborative Inbox, and procedures for assigning a conversation to yourself or another member, removing an assignment, finding your assigned topics, resolving a topic or a conversation, and using labels to keep conversations organized.