Pima Community College offers free access to Microsoft 365 for all staff and currently active students. This software is available online and can be downloaded onto personal devices, ensuring that everyone can utilize its tools both on campus and remotely. The following guide provides step-by-step instructions for accessing and setting up your Microsoft 365 account, troubleshooting common issues, and installing the software on your personal devices.
- Go to office.com and enter your full Pima email address, select Next, and then enter your Pima password.

Some people report seeing a message like the one shown below, either because they aren't registered or because there is an issue with their account.

If you see this message, please contact the Help Desk at 520-206-4900 or
submit a ticket.
- Microsoft will request more information; select Next.

- At this point, Microsoft 365 will ask you to verify your identity and set a method of recovery for your account by providing either a phone number or an email. You may choose which you prefer to use.

Microsoft will not allow you to use your Pima email or phone number. If you attempt to use either of these, you will see the message below.

- Once you have entered your personal authentication information select Next, then Finish.

- Microsoft will ask if you would like to stay signed in, select Yes if you do not want to have to sign in each time you use Microsoft 365.

- If you see the warning below, please allow the requested time before reloading the page. If the problem persists for more than 30 minutes, please contact the Help Desk at 520-206-4900 or submit a ticket.