Popular Services
Ensure you are signed-in in the top right corner of the page to see our full list of supported services. Use this general request form if you are unable to locate a more specific service via the Service Catalog above.
Request software or application installation on computers or mobile devices.
Request a laptop or other IT-provided equipment.
Use this service to request a special role on a course you do not directly teach.
Need assistance with your MyPima account, including password resets, login issues, or accessing Pima systems like D2L, Office 365, or Google services? Request help here.
Request a new phone, phone move, or other phone-related service.
Submit a request to purchase IT hardware or get a quote.
Submit a ticket to notify us of any IT-related issues affecting your hardware, software, or services.
Request support or report a problem with classroom technology.
Hardware troubleshooting and repair for all PCC-owned computing devices assigned to employees and peripherals excluding printers.
Request VPN access to allow remote connections to the PCC network to access internal services including Banner, file shares, HVAC systems, or WinSCP.
Request a new service, support or report a problem with any Google Services.
Technical assistance for Pima-owned software: Installation, general usage, troubleshooting errors, and assistance with contacting technical support.
Submit a request to purchase software for college-owned devices.
Hardware needs to be moved from one location to another, use this form if you or someone else is moving to a new location. Hardware may include computers (desktops & laptops), tablets (iPads & Surfaces), printers, and peripherals.
Request Google Shared Drive or Network File Share Access.
Reset your password 24 hours a day / 7 days a week by answering your security questions or by email
Use this service to request TDX Admins to make changes or create new services within TeamDynamix
This service is to be used to request Oracle Client install and related ODBC configuration.