If you do not have VPN access, please submit a ticket by clicking here or call IT at 520-206-4900
Step One: Open the Start Menu by pressing the Windows Key or clicking the Windows icon in the bottom left of your screen
Do not click on any tile or icon, simply begin typing to search
Step Two: On your keyboard, type "GlobalProtect" then select the GlobalProtect App at the top of the list.
If you cannot locate GlobalProtect please contact IT at 520-206-4900
Step Three: When the Welcome screen appears, enter the Portal Address: pcc-vpn.pima.edu then click Connect
Step Four: Enter your Pima credentials into GlobalProtect then select Sign In.
Step Five: Enter your six digit DUO code from the app, text message or phone call, then select Sign In.
The Duo two-factor authentication screen will provide you with options on how you can receive your authentication code
1. Duo Push - Entering 1 selects this option, a notification will appear on your phone with your DUO code
2. Phone Call - Entering 2 selects this option, you will receive a phone call with your DUO code
3. SMS Passcode - Entering 3 selects this option, you will receive a text message with your DUO code
You have now successfully connected to the GlobalProtect VPN!
Additional Information
If you do not have the DUO mobile app, please install it on your phone then reach out to IT at 520-206-4900 to activate
Google Play
Apple Store
Personal devices must adhere to the following to avoid receive reduced access:
- Virus definitions must have been updated within the last 7 days
- Last FULL virus scan must have been within the last 7 days (Quick scans won't cut it)
- Anti virus software must be from one of the following vendors:
- Microsoft Security Essentials
- Windows Defender
- Symantec Endpoint Protection
- Bitdefender
- Avira GmbH
- AVG Technologies
- McAfee
- Cylance
- COMODO Security Solutions.
- Malwarebytes Corporation.
- Palo Alto Networks
- Sophos Limited
- Webroot Software
- Cisco AMP for Endpoints
For further assistance, please contact the IT service desk at 520-206-4900