Initial Login to the Intelligent Hub - macOS


After your computer has been migrated to Workspace ONE, you must log in to the Intelligent Hub app for the first time. The Intelligent Hub is where you enroll your device and find applications that have been installed and applications that you can install as needed. Use this process for your initial login.


Part of this process involves installing a mobile device management (MDM) profile, which requires administrative privileges. If you don’t have those privileges, you can:

  • Use the Admin By Request app to request temporary admin access.
  • Arrange a session with the help desk in which they control your Mac remotely and enter an admin password for you.

Whichever option you choose needs to be implemented before you begin this process.


  1. Enter your email address at the screen like the one shown here, and then click Next.
    Image of Intelligent Hub log in page showing a field for email address and a button labeled Next.
  2. When prompted to select an organization group, select Staff.
    Image of Intelligent Hub page with a drop-down field with options including Loaner, Facilities, Staff, with which you identify your group. Page also shows a button labeled Next.
  3. Enter your username and then click Next.
  4. The Hub shows the standard College single sign-on page; use it to log in as usual.
    Image of Intelligent Hub displaying the SSO page, which contains fields for Username and Password and a button labeled Login.
  5. On the screen that asks about Ownership:
    1. Select Corporate Owned.
    2. On the drop-down menu, select Dedicated if that option isn’t already selected.
    3. Enter the Asset number (also called the PCC #, the six-digit number printed on the sticker on your device).
    4. Click Next.
      Image of the Intelligent Hub Ownership page with buttons to select Employee Owned or Corporate Owned. The page also has a drop-down to select Dedicated, an Asset Number field, and a button labeled Next.
  1. The settings application opens automatically and prompts you to install the profile. This requires local administrative rights to install.
    Image of the Intelligent Hub Enabling Device Management window which displays a progress bar but otherwise has no user-interactive elements.
    While the Enabling Device Management window is displayed, the configuration profile is downloading.
  2. Open the System Settings app, select General, and then select Device Management.
  3. Double-click the Workspace Services profile that was just downloaded, and then, when prompted, supply the local admin password.
    Image of the Settings app displaying the Device Management panel. This image also shows the login dialog box for entry of the local admin credentials.
  4. When installation has completed, and the Congratulations message shown here displays, click Done.
    Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
  5. The Hub begins installing all assigned configuration settings and applications. After installation completes, you are prompted to open the Hub app, shown here.
    Image of the Intelligent Hub main page, showing the apps that are installed on the Mac and others that are available to install and use.