Pima Reports - Troubleshooting

The following triage steps apply to issues involving the Pima Reports system.

  1. Attempt Basic Web Browser Troubleshooting
  2. Gather Information
    • If the issue persists after attempting the basic web browser troubleshooting steps, gather as much information as possible, including screenshotserror messages and any troubleshooting steps attempted.
      • Include the following additional information:
        • The Report where the error is occurring.
  3. Create the Ticket
    • Once you have gathered the necessary information, create a Report a Pima Reports Problem ticket.
    • Ensure that the Requestor is set to the caller and then submit the ticket.
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Article ID: 106731
Mon 5/4/20 3:50 PM
Tue 10/15/24 7:49 AM

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