Information Assurance Services


Information Assurance and Records (IAR) helps to ensure your department's systems and processes protect personal identifiable information and meet College and regulatory record management requirements.


IAR helps ensure that PCC systems protect private, sensitive information. We seek to identify our information assets and the systems and applications that store, process, and communicate them. We estimate the susceptibility of these information assets to attack, whether by disclosure, modification, or disruption, and quantify the effect in monetary and reputational terms for these unwanted occurrences. We tend to focus on big business picture. We are here to learn how PCC uses information, how valuable that information is to the College, and how exposed that information happens to be so that we can provide instruction on how to prioritize tasks to protect it. We are here to ensure the protections put in place are actually working through risk assessment.

Our focus is on business process, policy, and compliance.  it’s all about assets, valuations, optimization, strategy continuous assessment, planning, auditing, and governance. In addition to those core tenants, IAR has oversight for records life-cycle management and handling for physical and electronic records. 

Services include:

  • Conduct Information Asset Inventory (Inventory establishes departmental file plan)
  • Provide Data Handling Standards
  • Provide Retention Standards
  • Assist with creation of SOP or Manual for managing information assets (records in all mediums)
  • Audit devices and/or systems that contain College information assets
  • Review any contracts with third party cloud providers for data security and retention.
  • Records Training - Online Records Management Course (Mandatory)
  • Risk Management
  • Google Team Drive Deployment

IAR compliance is mandatory for all departments per AP 09.01-08.