After your iPad or iPhone has been migrated to Workspace ONE, the Intelligent Hub is where you’ll find applications that have been installed and applications that can be installed as needed. Before you can use it, you need to perform an initial login to the Intelligent Hub.
- Enter your email address at the screen like the one shown here, and then tap Next.

- When prompted to select an organization group, select Staff.
- Enter your username at the screen like the one shown here, and then tap Next.

- The Hub shows the standard College single sign-on page; use it to log in as usual.

- On the screen that asks, “Is this your personal device?” tap No.
- On the screen that asks, “Is this a shared device?”:
- Enter the Asset number (also called the PCC #, the six-digit number printed on the sticker on your device).
- Tap No.

- The Hub asks you to agree to its collection of data regarding your usage so the company can improve it and develop new app features. Tap Continue.

Important: You must complete the following series of steps to download and install a profile.
- When the Hub prompts you to Set up your profile, as shown here, tap Download Profile.

- When alerted to the download attempt, tap Allow. If the alert message shown here does not appear, then select the Tap here if you are not prompted automatically link near the bottom of the screen. The Settings app opens.

- Tap Profile Downloaded, then tap Install.

- In the confirmation pop-up, tap Install.

- When prompted to trust the profile, tap Trust.

- Tap Done.

- Quit the Settings app and return to the Intelligent Hub app.