Student Technology Checkout


Overview and link to the Library Technology Lending Program, which loans laptops, iPads, hotspots, and other tech devices to students during the semester.



Library Technology Lending Program

Students can check out laptops, iPads, and hotspots from the PCC Library to support their academic and research activities. These devices and some smaller technology items (such as webcams, chargers, stylus pens, calculators, and so on) are available for checkout to students who are currently registered for classes when their classes are in session. The items must be returned to the library at the end of the session.

To learn more about the program and to check out a device, visit the Library Technology Lending Program webpage, where you will find specific information about the types of devices available, the loan period, possible renewals, the checkout process, and more. This program is a great resource for those who need access to technology to further their academic success.

Is Your Borrowed Technology Due?

Most Library laptops, hotspots, and iPads are due a the end of the current session (Fall, Spring, or Summer). You MAY be able to renew via chat or phone if you just checked the item out this term or, if you've had the device for a while, you will need to bring it in for inventory control and updating. Students registered for the next term's classes will be able to re-checkout their device or an updated device when they bring it in. 

For questions about renewing or to re-check out your device or an updated device, please reach out via chat or phone during our hours of operation or stop by any campus library.

For hours and locations, visit

Locked Device or Suspended Hotspot?

As part of our efforts to recover overdue tech devices, we are:

  • Suspending service on overdue hotspots
  • Remote locking overdue Apple devices

These are items that are more than three weeks overdue. A series of notices and bills have been sent. 

The item may need to be returned to a campus library. At a minimum, you need to contact a library to determine if you are eligible for a renewal. 

Only current students are eligible to borrow tech devices. Even if you are currently registered, you may still need to return the device now for visual inspection/ inventory if you have had it for more than 2 semester loan periods. Once you return it, if you are verified as a current student,  we may be able to unlock/reinstate service and re-check the device out to you. Students have a responsibility when it comes to borrowing technology for responding to due dates and overdue notices. Failure to meet that responsibility may result in the device being non-renewable.




Article ID: 152958
Tue 12/20/22 8:37 PM
Wed 6/12/24 11:17 AM