D2L Books Not Appearing in Barnes & Noble Bookstore


Solutions to a situation in which students don't have access to course materials in B&N College bookstore through D2L Brightspace.



For some students enrolled in classes through D2L Brightspace, assigned course materials do not appear in the Barnes & Noble College Bookstore.


Students who encounter this situation must first contact the instructor to ensure they are aware of the situation. The instructor can then correct the situation and provide guidance within the syllabus on how to acquire the book or eBook.

If the book or eBook is listed in the syllabus but it is not working, students or faculty should contact Pima Online, which provides D2L Brightspace support to the College. Contact them by opening a ticket through TeamDynamix or by calling the PCC D2L Support Line during business hours at 520-206-2342. They can troubleshoot the issue and, if necessary, escalate it to Barnes & Noble.



Article ID: 147993
Thu 9/1/22 12:58 PM
Thu 12/19/24 11:44 AM

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